Industrial Focus: Kitchen Appliance Manufacturing - Flipbook - Page 8
oSa – What Does it Mean?
On our grinding and cutting products, you will see the oSa logo. What
exactly is oSa and what does it mean?
On products that grind and cut at high peripheral speeds, it is extremely
important that they are deemed safe so as to stand up to extreme
mechanical and thermal stress. Because there are no globally binding
safety requirements for these abrasive products, responsible manufacturers of grinding and cutting abrasives from a number of European countries have set up the Organization for the Safety of Abrasives (oSa). This
is a significant measure setting a clear signal against inferior and dangerous products.
oSa issues the worldwide protected oSa trademark only to manufacturers that see to it that the exact provisions are kept, standard operating
procedures are adhered to, and that only safe, high quality products are
produced and marketed. This is an assurance to the user that they are
purchasing grinding and cutting products that have been consistently
monitored for safety and quality during the manufacturing process.
2555 Tate Boulevard, S.E., • PO Box 2367, Hickory, North Carolina 28603-2367